“Seeing the future ≠ changing the future.”

“Seeing the future ≠ changing the future.”
Normcore: the report that started it all…
“The job of the advanced consumer is managing anxiety, period.” Case studies include Isabel Marant Internal Wedge Sneakers, Globster antisocial networking, deodorant aka Stankonia, and reproduction hacks with the Mirena IUD.
“The time for now is always.”
Case studies include the VW Art Heist; Piracetam, the multi-focus drug; Korea’s first SmartCity, New Songdo; and the health-inspiring Jawbone UP.
“Saying who you aren’t is just as important as saying who you are.” This report explores strategies of visibility through a dirty Daffy’s ad campaign; Venmo for a mobile, cashless society; chilly Stone Island jackets; and the Cone sex toy.